My Whole30 Journey

Here I am again committing to something and wondering why? Why am I doing this?  Well my back pain after a pretty good 18 months has reared its ugly head again, I am definitely having some gut issues and my skin and eyes could look better.  My cousin and her friend have been spending time with us at our house and I noticed how particular that these two 20-year olds were about how they ate and what they put in their bodies.  They cooked for us while they were here and let me tell you it was good! Even Brian ate it!  So I started asking them questions, why don’t you eat cheese? What’s wrong with adding milk in my coffee?  What no hummus? Bloody hell. I brought them with me and stocked up on some good pantry eats and threw out a few items.  Nothing major and kind of forgot about it and went back to my usual eating habits.  I will admit I don't eat as clean as I did four years ago but I didn’t think it was that bad.  After a fall / winter of severe back pain where I cancelled all my work out memberships, even YOGA, I read up on whole30.  The more I read, the more intrigued I became.  So I texted my cousin and her friend to see what they thought.  And yes, they were believers in whole30.  I picked a date where I would have the least temptations to fall off the wagon, as you all know by now I like my glass of champers, and decided to go ahead and do my whole30. 

Sunday – the day before I start is clean out day and shopping.  All I am thinking is lord what have I gotten myself into?  As I started to pull everything from my pantry & fridge that had “taboo ingredients”, I was completely shocked at the amount of unhealthy food I was using and eating!


Even my favorite pasta sauce had cane sugar!


I then proceed to go through the cookbooks and plan my meals for the week.  I got very overwhelmed pretty quickly and the panic set in, shit what have I gotten myself into? So I reached out to my girls and they cheered me on, saying just take it meal by meal.  So I set out to the grocery store, on a Sunday none the less, and started my shopping.  I came back with all this yummy food to cook for the week.


I then set out to make a few items in advance for those busy days and thank goodness I did!  It was a life saver for the week.  I made a spinach frittata and chicken meatballs that are amazeballs!

I poured myself a glas of champagne as I knew it would be long 30 dyas before we reunited...

I poured myself a glas of champagne as I knew it would be long 30 dyas before we reunited...


So here I am off to start my whole30 – wish me luck and come back to see how I am doing!  Follow yogagirlwg on instagam to see pctures of all the food I am making. 

If your interested in trying the whole30 here is the link.  I doubt in my upcoming posts I will get it all correct so I encourage you to read about it yourself.