My Memphis Yoga Journey

Delta Groove Yoga –

Kundalini Yoga & mediation, Teacher: Aaron Glazer

Description: Kundalini Yoga & Meditation blends breathing, movement, stretching, meditation, chanting, and the science of sequence. Then at Delta Groove Yoga we add the GROOVE with great playlists & fun!  Kundalini empowers us to shine, prosper, and excel in all things. It's the common denominator for all forms of self-healing, inspiration, and transformation. Kundalini Yoga Delta Groove is for All Levels.

One – I love going to Overton Park in mid-town Memphis.  This is a revitalized bustling downtown area with lots of restaurants and unique shops.  I got to this class early and had time to look around their little shop which is a throwback to the 70s and brings back vivid memories of my college years. The lazy summer days going from phish to dead shows…ah life without stress or responsibilities.  It is kind of why I do yoga, to let all the stresses of day to day life melt away, where we can be completely selfish for an hour or so.  I noticed everyone was dressed in more flowy loose closes perhaps with their hair down.  There were three congos at the front of class.  Each person had their mat and blankets beside them quietly waiting.  Of course I was dressed in fitted Lulu Lemon ready to sweat.  (clearly I had NOT done my research on what type of yoga this was) When our teacher arrived, male long hair with patchwork shorts reminiscent of clothes I would see worn at Grateful dead shows, he quickly scanned the room.  He turned to me and asked OR stated you have not done Kundalini yoga before.  I said no that I had not but I was excited to try it.  I mentioned that I had studied under Rusty Wells and was familiar with lots of chanting and music.  He looked at me kind of funny and asked if I knew breath of fire.  I said that I did and he welcomed me to the kundalini community. Lord I did not know what I was in for….

We started with seated meditation (this is not the type of seated meditation I do daily) where we did this crazy breathing to the beat of the drums simultaneously moving our arms / fingers upward in 3 distinct cuts, elbows glued to your sides.  I literally, with my horrible alleges, had a very hard time doing this.  We continued just like this for 10 minutes.  I kept scanning the room to see if everyone else was able to do it – they could – it was just me.  That was NOT relaxing to me.  In fact, at one point I actually got incredibly dizzy from the lack of oxygen, great just what I needed, the newbie passing out.  We then proceeded to going through 6 or so seated positions combined with a distinct breath usually for around 2 minutes.  This got exceptionally more bearable and I actually started to fall into a rhythm.  We finally ended in savasana and I was lying there waiting for a little massage with some yummy smelling oils – THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN.  Instead a series of bells vibrated loudly throughout the room in a powerful sequence.  It seemed to take you to a completely different place as all thoughts dissipated.  As we came out of savasana it felt surreal and even stranger to leave the studio into the busy hustle of Overton Square.  I felt a strong sense of calm and enlightenment as I walked to my car. WHO KNEW!

Hot Yoga Plus – 

Power Flow, Teacher: Shelly Bear

Description: This is a dynamic class incorporating balance, flexibility, and strength through a strong flow. Class is heated to between 90-95 degrees.

I absolutely loved this class!  Even though it was heated which I have come to LOATHE, especially as the heat index in Memphis is in the triple digits.  I would gladly get over my heat affliction as this particular teacher’s flow sequence was so unique and challenging.   We flowed through the sun salutations and as we built further into more challenging positions – we ended up in a flying warrior 3 – holding and pulsing up and down into reserve eagle (at least that is what I call it).  See images below, I couldn’t find a reverse eagle picture... I ended up chatting with Susan for over 15 minutes afterwards and she was kind enough to actually give me her notes of the sequence she choreographed.     HINT* this will most definitely be incorporated into my final teaching a public class – get ready to shake and sweat!

Power Flow Sculpt, Teacher: Jaime Miller

Description: This dynamic, energizing and challenging style of yoga links breath and movement through unique sequences; combining sun salutations, standing postures and floor work with weights. The smooth, continuous flow deepens the breath, develops core strength, increases endurance and challenges balance and flexibility. You will leave these classes with a renewed mental and physical energy. The room is heated between 85 and 90 degrees.

I have never taken a yoga class using weights.  I have to say I really hope this trend comes to CA.   The room was mildly heated, enough that sweat was dripping in my eyes.  As we went through sun salutations on our way up, we grabbed our weights and proceeded to do arm exercises in warrior one, warrior two, side angle & crescent.  On our way down to vinyasa we would place our weights down as we flowed.  We were also taken though holding planks, swaying side to side.  This class was challenging and filled with great music.

Power Flow NON-heated, Teacher: Susan Wilcox

Description: This is a dynamic class incorporating balance, flexibility, and strength through a strong flow. Class is not heated. TAKE NOTE – NOT HEATED

I was incredibly excited today as I went straight up into a traditional headstand!  To think I almost did not go to yoga as I was slightly hung over from family game night.  I literally laid in bed procrastinating and trying to come up with every reason not to go.  Brian is playing golf, who will watch Hailey? My mother-in-law offered.  I can’t make Hailey breakfast the cleaning people are here, Brian went and got her breakfast – the universe was telling me to go.  It was one of those pivotal classes where you hit a new level.  I typically do a tripod headstand balancing your weight on three points.  I stopped doing them with my back injury as I was fearful the pressure on my head would cause pain to my neck / upper spine.

Everyone always said that a traditional headstand puts less pressure on your head / neck and they were right!  I love that I can introduce headstand back into my practice without fear of my back hurting.  (see image below)

NOW back to how I strongly believe you do not need a heated class to sweat in yoga.  This class was a power flow class connected to breath and we were all dripping in sweat by the end of class.  When you connect your breath to movement you internally heat up and this causes you to sweat anyway.  I love the powerful sense of community as everyone simultaneously breathes and flows together.  OH and the heat index was in the triple digits in Memphis, so screw adding more!

BetterBodiesYoga –

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Short Form, Teacher: Neely Bryan

Description:  Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, developed the practice of Ashtanga. The first or primary series of Ashtanga is called "Yoga Chikitsa" and is translated as "yoga therapy".  Among the many benefits, most importantly the series realigns the spine, stretches the hamstrings, detoxifies the body, and builds physical and mental strength, flexibility and stamina. This class is a modified version of the full Ashtanga Primary Series, and is beneficial for students who are short on time. Additionally, this is an excellent introductory class for newer Ashtangis, who want to build the endurance to prepare for the full primary series.  Both the short and full versions begin with sun salutations (Surya Namaskara A and Surya Namaskara B), move into standing poses, seated poses, inversions and backbends before final relaxation (Savasana).

Typical me I was running a little late for this class and missed a good 5 minutes.  Our teacher Neely was incredibly sweet and has a love for yoga.  The class was very informal and not as challenging as I would like.  What did surprise me was that the following morning my muscles were sore.  I am learning on this yoga journey that you do not need to drip in sweat and do power yoga to get the physical benefits.  I am excited to try the full series Ashtanga yoga class.  I think I will be pleasantly surprised to add it to my repertoire of yoga classes to chose from.  Will share my experience when I get to take that class!

Vinyasa Flow: Level 1-2: Not Appropriate for New to Yoga, Teacher: Shelly Bear

Description: This intense and active class links together the use of the breath with sequences of poses, creating a moving meditation for participants. Not recommended for New to Yoga Students, this flow class requires a solid core, a thorough understanding of all standing poses, and Surya Namaskar A. The practice will help open up both your body and mind build strength, and leave you feeling energized ready to embrace your day.

Clearly I love this teacher as I took her class at HotYogaPlusand at this studio.  It was interesting to see the difference between studios and how the same teacher will lead a class based on where they work.  We followed a challenging flow connected to breath but it was a modified version of the class I took at Hot Yoga Plus.  It was challenging and the internal heat came on.  One thing I love about this studio is they always during Savasana place a hot mask on your eyes and massage your temples, arms and neck with scented oils.  You feel completed uplifted as you leave your class.

Vinyasa / Wall Flow: All Levels, Teacher: Ashley Berryhill

Description: This class is perfect for any level practitioner from the intermediate beginner who wants to transition toward a flow (linking postures together) practice, as well as for the more experienced student who wants to refine and deepen their existing practice.  Class moves a little slower through Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutations) A and B, and incorporates the Great Yoga Wall to teach and to heighten each student's awareness in each pose.  This class will focus on a variety of postures to build confidence, strength, felxibility, balance and focus on and off of the mat. Those who have physical limitations, lack strength and/or flexibility, are recovering from an injury, just returning to yoga, a beginner who wants to "bridge the gap" to vinyasa flow, and those who want a slower flow will love this class. Class is accessible to everyone, and encouragement, compassion, props and modifications abound.

I was super excited to take this class and try this flying yoga.  You go through a series of flow and balancing potions but the really fun part is you get strapped into a chair and are able to suspend yourself upside down and in various positions.  I would literally take this class every week as it adds that playfulness and removes some of the seriousness out of very intense focused yoga.  You feel a sense of weightlessness and the rules of grounding into earth change to reaching and flying to the sky.

OVERALL: This studio is beautiful with an outdoor yoga garden as well.  Not sure when you would ever want to take yoga outside in Memphis but hey – why not?  Fall maybe?  The diversity in the types of classes they offer is broad – allowing any yogi to find what they are looking for.  I would highly recommend this studio.  Their prices are decent as well.