
We all sat there in awkward anticipation as we waited for Linda to arrive.  As she walked up the hallway I am positive we all felt the same way, intimidation, fear, and mostly excitement for what our journey would bring.  She was like a tall gazelle full of calm poise and beauty. She ended up being rather funny, although we were all probably too intimated to laugh and get her jokes.  Of course me being who I am, I had many questions: I have a back injury, can I still be go through the training? I haven’t been practicing yoga as frequently as I use to…do students start teaching after only 100 hours…does anyone not pass?  Yup that was me, not the best first impression I am sure.  This 41-year-old felt like I was in high school again.

Yet when all was said and done – I went home and immediately asked my husband as my mother’s day gift I would like to start my 200-hour yoga training.  Being the supportive husband he is – he said “of course”.  So here I am all signed up and eagerly awaiting the manuals to come out.  NOTE* new husband, college-hood sweetheart that fell back into my life post divorce - will share story in another post.

Speaking of said manual, Linda mentioned they would be ready next week.  So being me, I cruise into the studio and ask the very young girls at the front desk if I could pick up my manual for the 100-hour yoga training.  They both looked at me like I had 2 heads. Was I crazy or were these girls ignorant?  I tried to explain again that Linda said they would be ready this week.  Girl #1 was now trying on clothes and not even remotely paying attention to my question while giving me dirty looks. Most likely thinking when will this old lady go away.   Girl #2 looked at me like I had 3 heads…then proceeded to say "Why don’t we just ask Linda when she gets here since she is teaching your class."  Well, that 20 something year old just put me in my place.

#being40 - And here we go…