A little light reading

Finally - our manuals are ready and "The Key Muscles of Yoga Vol. 1" by Ray Long has arrived via amazon. I must say this is all a bit overwhelming.  For anyone who knows me, they know that my pronunciation and use of the English language is terrible.  So terrible, that without my knowing, I am typically at the heart of a party surrounding by laughter.  Here I thought it was my witty intellect...

A dear friend of mine, Jennifer coined my disability (with much love) as Malapropism. Hopefully she will add a comment of an example of one of my many Malapropisms for you all to enjoy. 

noun: malapropism

  1. the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, often with unintentionally amusing effect

How in the world do you pronounce Virabhrasana II? Can't we simply say warrior 2??