Confessions of a bad mommy...

Has anyone besides me had a crazy past week?  End of school year mayhem? Getting bombarded at work? and for me, studying & practice teaching every moment I get.  I am literally cueing poses while I am driving, washing my hair, to my daughter (it's fun to cue her into savasana before bed - seriously this really works) With all that said I am going to share some bad mommy moments, some deliberate and some completely by accident.  

I almost made it the entire school year never being late taking Hailey to school nor have I ever missed picking her up from school.  Well...this week I failed.  Last Sunday night as I went to bed I decided to not set the alarm and have us sleep as late as we like and to hell with getting to school on time.  I mean Hailey is in kindergarten for gods sake and we already missed the boat on perfect attendance.  Who gets that award anyway?  I guess a child who never gets sick or takes a vacation... That's NOT this family.

Example 1 - Monday morning roughly about 45 minutes after the time I normally get Hailey up, she comes flying into our room "Mommy - it's Monday I have school!"  I rolled over in bed and said "love bug - today we are going to take our time getting to school, if we are late it's NOT the end of the world".  Hailey's face broke out into a grin and we had the most relaxed morning getting ready for our day. We were only 20 minutes late, what do they really learn in that first 20 minutes anyway?  As I signed her in at the office they asked for a reason and I rather nonchalantly just said - no reason.  The secretary just laughed - apparently we were not the only ones. As I don't intend to make a habit of this, taking the pressure off for a day was liberating - sometimes sleep really is the medicine we all need.  Bad mommy or possibly good mommy?

Example 2 was not done deliberately.  It's now Tuesday - off to school on time.  I am knee deep all morning studying my anatomy and practice teaching while juggling work calls & emails.  I see a call come through while I am on a conference call but didn't recognize the number.  Dumped it into voicemail.  (Yup later I realized it was Hailey's school *NOTE TO SELF: will be programming the school number into my phone - I mean parenting 101 right?) I see an email come in from the art director at school and realize I forgot to add the labels to the kids artwork for the art show.  It's now a tad past two.  School gets out at 2:45.  I fly downstairs, jump in the car and race to the school to get this task done and then I'll be early to get Hailey.  Thinking - look at me, I am SO ON IT!  As I walk up I see Hailey going into the office.  Somewhat bewildered I ask "Hailey why are YOU in the office?"  She turns to me and says "Mammmaaa it's Tuesssdayy - early out day and there was no robotics."  Still slightly confused, and I am a smart girl, then the light bulb goes off.  I completely forgot to pick Hailey up at 1:05!!!! At this point, what could I do but start laughing, then Hailey started laughing and we couldn't stop.  So again, second day in a row, I walk into the office laughing, oh sorry I was suppose to get my daughter about an hour ago!  I find the funniest part of this bad mommy story is that I was completely oblivious even as I walked up to the school.  I guess I was NOT so on it as I thought.  I wonder if the office staff thinks I am losing my mind? 

Post traumatic ice cream

Post traumatic ice cream

I did end up taking Hailey for post traumatic ice cream, because you know giving your child ice cream when you F-up is certainly good parenting skills? NO?

So what did I take from this?  I am not perfect, no one is.  My new motto is, I may not be mommy of the year but I can be mommy of the moment.

#badmommy #forgivness #no one is perfect