Day one - post training - I really want a glass of wine...

Let me just start by saying that I really want a glass of wine, but that would be counter intuitive (is that a malapropism?) as I have to get up at 6AM, be alert, energetic and ready to have my mind and body explode all over again.

Well you know how I said that all fear had melted away after my morning meditation?  It quickly came back. Yup it was BACK.  Linda, as a way to get everyone's worst fear over with, started the morning, requesting we go around introduce ourselves, explain any injuries, express our worst fear about training and then (drum roll) stand up and teach a pose - REALLY teach a pose?  My heart already started to race.  Luckily I knew I was roughly 1/3 of the way down the list from check in, assuming she was reading off the roster.  This allowed at least 10 people before me that I could pull from.  As my mind raced I thought about teaching standing crescent lunge and the modification I learned to support my lower back injury and I slowly worked it through my mind.  Illustration below:

Prior to my name being called a fellow student decided to teach Camel and Linda quickly mentioned, carefully, as we are not warmed up.  So I turned my mind to a much easier pose. Savasana (AKA corpse pose) - I figured I could also add in some humor with my poor pronunciation. Again - did I mention I really want a glass of wine?

Ok back to first day.  My name is called and my fear did start to disappear as I focused in on why I am here.  I introduced myself, listed my injuries and moved onto my fear.  I mentioned that I had two (I surprised myself here as it just came out ) one was with my injury my fear is that I may not be able to lead the active life I need to, to the live that I am accustomed to. (teared up a bit - shocker) then proceeded to say my second fear may create some humor for the class as I have terrible pronunciation and we could all have the opportunity to experience it - and people did laugh! clap for me! I then said I will lead us through Savasana - searching people's eye to see if I pronounced it correctly - and I did.  I feel that I did a nice job leading us through breathing and setting up savasana.  As an after thought and reflection, I regret doing it with them rather then being the authoritative person I think I am, standing up and guiding them only with my narrative and words - slash that - no regrets - next time - drop the ego right?

On a humorous note one student was going to teach an arm balance (hum over achiever) Linda nixed it and asked them to do something else.  There are students in there who already teach - BITCHES make us all look bad! No but seriously it is wonderful to have a diverse group of women and just one token man to go through this wonderful journey together. FYI - I befriended a wonderful woman (probably my age or close) who already teaches - aren't I smart?

Did I mention I REALLY want a glass of wine?

The class was substantially more relaxed getting that out of the way - sheers to Linda.  This girl is off to bed. Xoxo or should I say Namaste.