The end of my 200 hour training but the begining of something bigger

Today is the bittersweet end of my 200 hour teacher training and I am feeling an overwhelming sense of emotions.  I feel the need to mark this day somehow, so here I am journaling it.  This segment, sequencing and philosophy, surprised me.  I didn't know that I would find such joy in the creativity of sequencing nor would I love the deep rooted history and philosophy of yoga.  Throw the elections and a super moon in the middle of training and you have a recipe full of emotions, awakenings and perhaps even the beginnings of long lasting friendships.  There was a lot more tears vs. sweat during this 100 hours.  I was surrounded by this community of people during a very difficult election rooted in a nation divided.   No matter what each of us voted, no one even talked about that, we were all there together, and together we are stronger.  I personally was surprised by my emotions the past few weeks, it already seems like it was forever ago that it all happened.

There is so much that I have learned and yet to learn which I will share through future posts.  For now, I want to express my gratitude to Linda for creating this program and sharing her knowledge in a safe environment filled with laughter.  There were just so many moments where we all came together in laughter.  I learned long ago that laughter really is an amazing form of medicine.

To celebrate this completion of 200 hours of training, two fellow yoga ladies and I went out to have a celebratory dinner and drinks.  In intense trainings like these friendships grow deep & strong quickly.  As I look back at the past few hours spent with Stephanie and Helena I realize I shared so much of my personal history that would have otherwise taken me years to share.  We ended up spending the later portion of the evening in full laughter with tears streaming down our faces.  The kind of laughter that makes your belly hurt.  I would have to say that if I walk away with nothing else I am truly happy to have met these two women and look forward to see where our friendship goes.  I wish Helena would let me post the stream of pictures of us laughing but she threated my life and you have to take Irish women seriously!


Now onto preparing for our final - teaching our very first public class!  Stay posted - it just 2 short weeks away!
